T5X Integration

This example demonstrates how to use a Rax ranking loss to optimize a ranking task with a T5X model.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Fine-tuning large language models such as T5 is often done on TPU machines running on Google Cloud. The Rax developers are not responsible for any billing costs incurred by running this example code.


First, make sure you are able to run the basic T5X german-to-english translation example on a Cloud TPU VM as described here. This involves setting up a google cloud account with an appropriate project, permissions and billing.

Setup a Cloud TPU VM

First, you should launch a Cloud TPU VM:


# Authenticate
gcloud auth login

# Create TPU VM
gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm create $GCP_VM_NAME \
  --zone $GCP_ZONE \
  --accelerator-type $GCP_ACCELERATOR \
  --version tpu-vm-base

# Connect to TPU VM
gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm ssh $GCP_VM_NAME \
  --zone $GCP_ZONE

⚠️ Remember to shut down your Cloud TPU VM after you finish training. You will continue to be billed if you do not.

Install code and dependencies

Inside the new Cloud TPU VM, run the following to set up T5X:

# Clone and set up T5X
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
git clone --branch=main https://github.com/google-research/t5x
cd t5x

# Install T5X dependencies
python3 -m pip install -e '.[tpu]' -f \
pip uninstall -y jax && pip install jax[tpu] -f \
pip uninstall -y seqio seqio-nightly && pip install -U seqio-nightly

# Install Rax
pip install git+https://github.com/google/rax.git

Clone the Rax repo to get the T5X example code and copy it into the T5X examples dir:

# Copy the Rax example code to the T5X example dir.
git clone https://github.com/google/rax
mkdir -p t5x/examples/rax
cp rax/examples/t5x/* t5x/examples/rax/

Start training

Now you are ready to fine-tune a T5 model on the MS-MARCO QNA v2.1 task with the Rax softmax loss:

# Train model.
NOW=$(date +%Y%m%d)
export MODEL_DIR="gs://$GOOGLE_CLOUD_BUCKET_NAME/t5x/output/${NOW}_softmax"

# Pre-download dataset.
tfds build "huggingface:ms_marco/v2.1" --data_dir=$TFDS_DATA_DIR

# Start training.
python3 ./t5x/train.py \
  --gin_file="t5x/examples/rax/msmarco.gin" \
  --tfds_data_dir="${TFDS_DATA_DIR}" \
  --gin.MODEL_DIR="'${MODEL_DIR}'" \

To train with a different loss, for example the pointwise sigmoid loss, you can run:

# Create config for sigmoid loss
cat <<EOF > t5x/examples/rax/msmarco_sigmoid.gin
from __gin__ import dynamic_registration
import rax
include 't5x/examples/rax/msmarco.gin'
LOSS_FN = @rax.pointwise_sigmoid_loss

# Train model
export MODEL_DIR="gs://$GOOGLE_CLOUD_BUCKET_NAME/t5x/output/${NOW}_sigmoid"
python3 ./t5x/train.py \
  --gin_file="t5x/examples/rax/msmarco_sigmoid.gin" \
  --tfds_data_dir="${TFDS_DATA_DIR}" \
  --gin.MODEL_DIR="'${MODEL_DIR}'" \


You should shut down and delete your Cloud TPU VM once you finish training. You will continue to be billed if you do not do this! Instructions for deleting your Cloud TPU VM are here or run the following:

gcloud alpha compute tpus tpu-vm delete $GCP_VM_NAME \
  --zone $GCP_ZONE